11 May, 2009

What makes me the expert on Law of Attraction?

Nothing really.

I don't claim to be an expert. Once I write a (bestselling) book then I will have fun with the 'expert' title, but that still doesn't necessarily make me an expert.

These bloggings are just the inspired sharing of my observations of life with you. One of my main intentions in what I write is to clarify the confusion that some people experience in trying to understand how the Law of Attraction is working in their lives, or, how it appears to be not working.

You might not need me to explain what the Law of Attraction is, but I'm going to anyway!

The Law of Attraction is a powerful universal law / principle which is always affecting everything we experience. Simply put, you attract into your experience whatever you place your attention, energy and focus on.

Furthermore, you attract it whether it's something that is good or bad, whether it's something wanted or unwanted. And that's what confuses people the most about the Law of Attraction. Some assume that it's nothing more than having a positive mental attitude. Certainly a positive attitude goes a lot farther than having a negative one, but if you are still harbouring resistance in one form or another, you can still attract things that you don't want in your life.

For example, some people would ask, if just focusing on what I want will give it to me, how come I haven't won the lottery yet? Whilst most people wouldn't mind winning the lottery, or having a million dollars, the Law of Attraction is responding to your predominant feelings, or "vibrations" for lack of better word. A person who is broke or living in poverty has practiced an attitude of lack. They may buy a lottery ticket with some hope, but the Law of Attraction is responding to their feelings of financial anxiety, of frustration in not being able to afford certain things, of the burden of their debts, rather than their conscious words.

So in worrying about the mountain of bills, their predominant vibration is that of lack, not of wealth and abundance. The Law of Attraction is matching that predominant feeling, not the positive words of hoping to win the lottery or having a million dollars. Of course, if you were to monitor someone's language, as the words you speak are an extension of your thoughts, the predominant choice of positive or negative words would reveal their predominant vibration also. That is, the person living in (an attitude of) lack would predominantly speak more of lack, of financial struggles, of debt, rather than of what it's like to win the lottery or own a million dollars.

So, getting back to what makes me the expert... (apart from nothing,) some of my best sources for my knowledge and inspiration come from the following:
  • The film, "The Secret" which was an underground hit worldwide. Watch it already! Especially the original version (not the "Extended Edition") which features Esther Hicks. The printed book and audio book came out later and does not feature Esther Hicks. This film interviews many teachers, authors, scientists, entrepreneurs and even spiritual leaders to talk about principles which revolve around the Law of Attraction. It became such a hit that it brought awareness of the concepts behind the Law of Attraction to a huge audience around the world. Sure it has it's detractors and critics - it would be dull if it didn't!

  • Abraham-Hicks - Jerry and Esther Hicks official website. For those who aren't into New Age stuff, this might seem weird, but focus on the content and knowledge, rather than how it's delivered. Esther shares wisdom and insights from an entity she refers to as "Abraham", for lack of better description.

  • Michael J. Losier and his book, "Law of Attraction". Michael J. Losier teaches Law of Attraction in a simple, straightforward way without any spiritual or religious references. Because of that, his style appeals a lot to people who don't like the religious or New Age association with the topic, and people who don't like to read a lot as his book is very simple!

  • My kids! Observing how children naturally attract things into their lives when they have yet to learn the resistance that adults are conditioned with are a wonderful way to see "allowing" in action. "Allowing" in this context means to let go of doubt and resistance so that you can easily attract what you want. Of course, they also have their moments when they are resisting (through tantrums, sulking, complaining etc), and it's interesting to then observe how despite wanting to give them what they want, I naturally want to hold back.

  • My relationship with my wife. Having been (happily) married since 1991, I have to attribute all my happiness in my relationship through the positive application of the Law of Attraction, whether I realised it or not at the time. I put the "(happily)" in brackets/parentheses because in the past, we've had our fair share of ups and downs. And looking back in hindsight, I can see that it was the Law of Attraction in action, sometimes applied negatively by default. Basically, since the Law of Attraction is constantly responding to you whether you like it or not, if you don't use it purposely to choose the good things you want, like the majority of people, you will attract by default.

  • Life. Words don't teach - they can only reaffirm what you already know. It is life experiences that truly teach.
So whilst my bank account hasn't quite exceeded Bill Gates' or Donald Trumps balance just yet, I certainly feel extremely blessed for my wife, my children, my friends, and all that I have experienced in life so far and for what I'm living now. I'm excited to see where I'm heading in this exciting journey called life, and if you like to come with me, then I feel privileged and honoured that you've gained something beneficial from what I have to give.

Wishing you tremendous abundance,


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