27 November, 2009

To Forgive is Noble, But Not Having to Forgive is Glorious.

To forgive is a noble virtue, but to never have anything to need to forgive is glorious and divine.

When you think about it, you can only forgive someone for anything if they've hurt or offended you in any way. And if you've been into self development, life coaching or Law of Attraction for a while, then you understand that you are ultimately responsible ("response-ABLE") for how you CHOOSE to feel about any given situation.

So that means someone can only hurt or offend you if you choose to let them. And if you love every one and appreciate everything, then nothing anyone else does can hurt or offend you.

That would then mean that the concept of forgiveness would be a non-issue.

I'm not saying I'm perfect in this regard, but it's certainly something I strive for (I confess: I still have pet peeves with drivers who cut in front of me without signalling!)

Now certainly, if you have allowed yourself to be hurt or offended by anyone, then being able to forgive will benefit you greatly in many ways. You may have heard of the analogy that holding a grudge against someone is like drinking poison in the hopes it will hurt that person!

Whilst we're on that subject, ever heard someone say, "I forgive but I won't forget"? That's equivalent to saying, "I won't take revenge or seek justice, but I'm not forgiving you". In other words, if you're not prepared to forgive AND forget, then you are merely tolerating and not accepting - something for another article. You're just suppressing your grudge, not releasing it.

Where Law of Attraction is concerned, forgiving sooner will help you to allow the circumstances you prefer by not focussing and not pushing against what you don't want.

Better still, be in place where you never feel resentful so you never have to forgive. I think that is a truly enlightened state.

Wishing you tremendous abundance,
