11 May, 2009

We are running out of resources! The world's economy will collapse!

I'm writing
this blog in response to a question I heard someone ask Abraham-Hicks about the scarcity of resources and how it was hard to believe that Law of Attraction was going to make any difference.

For those who are still new or a little bit skeptical about this New Age abundance concept, let me explain it from a more scientific viewpoint.

Firstly, understanding Law of Attraction means understanding that everything is abundant in life. That is, it is not a zero-sum game with a limited slice of the pie that we all compete for on this Earth, even if it seems that way sometimes. The economists of old used to think our resources were finite, and along with other respected intellectuals, even predicted that the world was going to run out of oil within our lifetime, and hence the economy would face a major collapse. (One of many, many doomsday prophecies by many doomsayers who have come and gone through the centuries and even the decades!)

That was in the early 70's and the energy crisis in the U.S seemed to prove that theory true. After all, most of the major developed countries depended heavily on oil for energy and transportation. But as modern thinkers like author Paul Zane Pilzer, who is an economist and past advisor to the U.S presidency writes, the resources required by the world is never finite.

The doomsayers never took into account advancements in technology. There were hidden oil reserves that later technology was able to discover and even access. That effectively meant that there was more oil than ever before! Advancements in technology didn't just mean finding more oil, but even more efficient ways to use it. Remember the carburettor? That was the lynchpin of the automotive industry until it was made redundant with fuel injection, a technology which almost halved the consumption of fuel. If you need half the fuel to travel the same distance you used to, hasn't that effectively doubled the usable supply of oil again?

So not only are the resources not running out, it appears to be increasing! But let's say hypothetically, that we really had a limited supply of oil which was going to run out in say 10 year's time. That should be short enough for the governments of developed nations to start sweating. What do you think will happen? What do you think will happen to energy efficient hybrid vehicles which are just starting to become accepted by the marketplace, despite being a fringe technology? What do you think will happen to other entrepreneurs and scientists, driven by economic gain in such a time of crisis will do? Certainly a lot more money and creativity will be invested into alternative fuels. That's already happening now! It just requires a major catalyst like the real impending threat of oil shortage to tip it over into mainstream technology.

No matter what happens, our planet and species will flourish. In the contrast of lack of oil, a great "mass summoning" of desire occurs and alternative resources and better ways of finding or using oil will manifest with certainty. Politics may help to slow progress down, but ultimately, when the desire becomes strong enough, solutions will always be found.

The same principle applies with everything else in life, including:
  • Money - it's flowing everywhere, more than ever before. Observe how people are becoming millionaires and billionaires faster and younger than ever before. Whilst many people feel they are struggling, compare the material accumulations of this generation with the modesty of a third world family and you can't help but feel you are overflowing with abundance. Even simply compare with the previous generation. Not only did they NOT have portable music players, second family car, LCD high definition TV sets, a mobile/cell phone for the children as well as the wife, and other luxuries in their time, they would not have been able to afford them at all!
  • Health - you do not have a limited life span where you start going downhills past 40 and deteriorate to death in your 70's. You can live healthy and stay vibrant until you choose to leave this Earth. Diseases and illnesses are all a manifestation of our thoughts, indirect or otherwise.
  • Relationships - too many couples think that a relationship is also a zero-sum game where it's all about "give and take" and "compromise". That's ok if it makes you feel happy to give and take and compromise, but not ok if you're simply "tolerating". That's a recipe for pent-up frustration which inevitably leads to an explosion (or even implosion) at some point. But, that's a topic for a whole other blog!
The message is that even from a scientific viewpoint, our resources are never finite. Humans are clever enough to devise better ways to find and use these resources, as well as turning to other resources if it ever became necessary.

Just over a hundred years ago, oil was not a precious resource. Back then, some even worried that coal was finite and eventually we would run out and suffer...

Wishing you tremendous abundance,


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